Monday, July 25, 2011

Back Home, for now

After a few rounds of golf and a very relaxing week in the low country I'm finally back in the mountains, although it won't be for long as law school begins in just a few weeks.

First and foremost, I was very pleased with the climactic ending to the Harry Potter series. Although I never read past the fourth book, I felt a certain attachment to these characters I essentially grew up with them. While the film was certainly the darkest and most action packed of the series, the highlight for me came at the end in seeing the trio grown up, particularly the image of the always dapper Harry in a well fitting cardigan and oxford.

It may not have been the best strategic decision to see a midnight film with an 8 A.M tee time the following morning, but the game was actually very solid all around with one hiccup on the 15th hole keeping me from qualifying by a single shot. It stung at first, but the following morning we were off to the low-country and needless to say all my pains were healed. With much unpacking and organizing still left to be done, I'll try to expand on the trip a little more this evening!

Thank you for your time, JBH

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