Thursday, September 22, 2011

From The Desk of Southern Demotrad

I was always a fan on this series on A Continuous Lean, and while I'm still holding it down each day in terms of fashion, I thought I'd give you guys a look at the area I've been spending most of my time at lately.
The desk itself is old, really old actually. Put it and the antique bankers lamp together, and I've probably got close to 100 years sitting there. I didn't want to show too close a look at the inspiration board, as I keep some pretty touchy things up there. Hey, I live alone, and seeing these things each day keep me hungry and ready to hustle. I'm big on notes, hence the post-its, ranging from phone numbers, quotes, questions, hell you name and I've probably had something up there about it before. While you can't see too closely, my pipe is on there as well. I wish it belonged to my great-grandfather, but I picked it up at an estate sale, nonetheless it's still pretty damn old. The cookies and milk aren't there every night, but the mason jar is. An absolute southern-staple, who needs fancy china? I sometimes wish it were a bit bigger, but then it again it helps me keep from letting useless stacks pile up. From scheming, to blogging, to becoming a lawyer, it's all happening at this desk. Just imagine hearing southern rock Pandora, smelling the luscious black cherry Cavendish, and the taste of something a little strong coming out of the mason jar. It may not be for everyone, but it'll do for me...

Thank you for your time, JBH

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