Monday, August 1, 2011

Treasure Hunting

Although I'm not certain as to what the first blog I ever read was, I can damn sure remember the first one that mattered. The first time I recall going in a thrift store was my sophomore year in high school, and since that day nearly a decade ago, I'd say 90 percent of my wardrobe has come from these amazing shops. Needless to say, the first time I stumbled upon An Affordable Wardrobe I was hooked. I thought I had to be the only person in the world trying to be dapper on a very limited budget, then I came across Giuseppe and couldn't leave the computer until I'd combed through every post he'd ever made. So Mr. Timore, thank you for giving me the inspiration to keep going.

With that being said, my recent move to Louisville has been majorly self-funded, and for a recent college graduate who spent the majority of the summer working odd jobs to support traveling, money is rather tight. Now, most people have no idea that my wardrobe at one point belonged to someone else, so this past week I scoured some 20 thrift and vintage shops for the some furniture to outfit the new headquarters.

 The living room is pretty small, and this picture is pretty bad, but this table and lamp I found earlier today in nearly the same shade of cedar, finish the room off nicely. The table has to be around 30 years old and I really appreciate the scuffs and marks put on its octagonal top. Not a bad combo for $14, eat your heart out Ikea.

 Constantly reading about the Navy and the Kennedy family has led to an almost childlike curiosity about the northeast, and I simply couldn't pass up this vintage cardboard map of Newport. While I'm still working out the technicalities of a trip to see an old college golf buddy in Boston this winter, this picture will have to for now, and at only $7  my daily trips will cost much less than seeing the cape in real life.

Sticking to the nautical theme, I've been looking for a model sailboat all summer, as I knew it would be the perfect piece to finish my bookshelf. I'd nearly given up and was about to head to a home goods store and shell out 50 bucks, but just when I was ready to wave the white flag I found this beauty at a yard sale on my way home. She's a bit smaller than I'd imagined, but for $6 the S.S. Southern Demotrad will be just fine for now!!

Thank you for your time, JBH

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